Order Form

“Elf on the Shelf – I’m Back” Order

Each set of three cookies costs $17.00

The set will contain three Vanilla cookies. One cookie is personalized with your child's name and your elf's name.

The pickup date will be on Monday, November 27th between the hours of 8am and 8pm.

Payment is before or at pickup.

There are three cookies in each box. One cookie can be personalized with the child's name and the Elf's name.
Please provide a name for a child and the elf for each set. Use multiple lines if ordering for multiple kids.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact Me

If you have questions or just need to get in touch, please email jenakers@akersofcookies.com.


I am a hobby baker doing this for fun on the side. It's not a business. While I keep a super clean kitchen, this just means that I don't meet any specific requirements about allergens or cross contamination. If you have any questions about the cookies or the process, please let me know.